We Did It!
You made it happen!Wow!
Thanks to you, we blasted through our $74,000 Summer Equal-A-Thon goal and raised a total of $83,955.
Not only did our strongest, longtime supporters come through, but we also reached a whole new universe of first-time donors eager to be part of our work securing full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Floridians.
A special thanks to everyone who forwarded our eblast to friends with notes encouraging them to participate.
Because you cared enough to support the work ahead, Equality Florida is ready to take on the most important state election in Florida's history.
Everything we do at Equality Florida is possible because our members and volunteers. Your support means we'll be ready for the vital work to:
- Educate 250,000 voters about where candidates stand on LGBT issues
- Help elect fair-minded lawmakers at the local, state and Federal level
- Repeal Florida's shameful anti-gay adoption ban
- Secure domestic partnership benefits at the local, state and national level
- Outlaw discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity
- Respond to anti-gay attacks and hate crimes
Thanks again for your generous support of our 2010 Summer Equal-A-Thon.
The Equality Florida Board, Staff and Volunteers