Meet the Interns: Chris Traylor

Meet the Interns: Chris Traylor

(Campaign Intern - Based in Jacksonville)

1. Tell us a little about yourself...

My name is Chris Traylor and I am a Communications major at FSCJ. I love sports: tennis, soccer, football, volleyball...and did I say tennis? My dream job is to be a sports announcer for a major sports network. I’m also into kayaking and the outdoors, although this heat can be a little brutal.

2. Why are you involved with LGBT activism?

I’m involved in LGBT activism because I want to put forth the work to see a change for our community. I came out when I was 15, but I really didn’t include myself in the gay community or take part in any prides. I regret that now as I am older, but becoming more informed on the issues has made me want to do more to help.

3. Why did you want to intern at Equality Florida?

I chose to intern at Equality Florida because of a Facebook post, and a desire to expand my knowledge of HRO and campaigning. Since I’ve been here though, I now feel a deeper connection to amending the Human Rights Ordinance because of the work I have done and have seen done.

4. What are your plans after you graduate?

As I stated before, my plans after graduating are to get into sports commentating. I like having this political knowledge and experience if I choose to explore campaigning with my communications degree, but for now the desire to make it to a major network is burning strong.







Stay tuned next week for the next blog post in our "Meet The Interns" series!


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