Senator Randy Fine Pushes Pride Flag Ban Bill Through Committee He Chairs; Thousands Speak Out In Opposition


Senator Randy Fine Pushes Pride Flag Ban Bill Through Committee He Chairs; Thousands Speak Out In Opposition

Today, Senator Randy Fine prioritized pushing the Pride Flag Ban Bill through the committee he chairs, its first stop in the Senate. Senator Fine is using his taxpayer-funded bully pulpit to seek attention for his political campaign with a bill that has failed the last two sessions back-to-back. Known nationwide for his hateful rhetoric against LGBTQ people and others, Fine is using his final weeks in the state legislature to push this petty censorship bill before he heads to Washington, D.C.

But here’s the reality: the public isn’t buying it. Over 5,400 people flooded committee members’ inboxes in opposition. During the hearing, 26 people spoke in opposition to the bill compared to just four in support — clear proof of how wildly unpopular and unconstitutional the bill is. Next, it moves to its second Senate committee, and we’re not letting up.

Let’s call this bill what it is: a desperate, distracting stunt by a soon-to-be former state senator trying to squeeze in one last headline before skipping town. Florida deserves better, and we won’t stop fighting back.

Contact the lawmakers on the next committee and tell them to vote NO on SB 100/HB 75:




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