Meet the Interns: Robbin Robinson
Meet the Interns: Robbin Robinson
(Orlando Office)
1. Tell us a little about yourself...
I am a disabled and retired veteran of the United States Army of twenty-two years. I have been married for six years. My husband is also a disabled veteran of the United States Army. I am currently attending the University of Central Florida and pursuing a Sociology Degree with a minor in Criminal Justice. I am a very outgoing, and sociable person. I am energetic, great motivator, and love a challenge. I have always tried to help those that cannot help themselves.
2. Why are you involved with LGBT activism?
I feel that a person’s individual sexual orientation or gender identity should not have any affect what he or she can do. A human being should be treated with respect and dignity no matter how different they may be. I have experienced situations in the past where a person could not live with their own identity because it just wasn’t acceptable. I want to help change that type of issue.
3. Why did you want to intern at Equality Florida?
I am involved because I believe every voice counts. This organization works for the people and helps in various aspects. I want to give back and help those that are in need. I may not have been in a position to help in the past, but now I have the opportunity to help reduce the equality issues across the board against all kinds of people and the social issues of today. I am a fighter for what is right and want to be apart of the future that will change these views.
4. What are your plans after you graduate?
After I graduate, I would like to pursue full-time employment. I would like to work in an environment where I feel like I am making a difference. I would like to utilize the skills that I have acquired from my degree in my new endeavor. However, I also hope to apply to graduate school within a year or two depending upon the outcome of my job search.
Stay tuned next week for the next blog post in our "Meet The Interns" series!