
Posted on 2010-07-09 by Anonymous.
By Marc Caputo and Lee Logan, Times/Herald Tallahassee Bureau In Print: Friday, July 9, 2010 TALLAHASSEE — A judge on Thursday struck down the Legislature's proposed constitutional amendment concerning political districts because, he said, it is too confusing for voters to understand.
Posted on 2010-07-08 by Anonymous.
Excerpt from the Advocate
Posted on 2010-07-08 by Anonymous.
Thank you for responding Central Florida! Just yesterday we put out a call asking you to join our data entry team and in
Posted on 2010-07-07 by Anonymous.
As Bees in Honey DrownJULY 8-25- at the Shimberg Playhouse
Posted on 2010-07-07 by Anonymous.
NOTE: While this story has a happy ending, success is very hit-and-miss when using the Equal Protection Clause to cover gender identity and expression. The Employment Non-discrimination Act (ENDA) is the only real way to ensure justice is done when discriminatory firings like this occur. Associated Press: Judge Rules for Transgender Woman Fired by Georgia By KATE BRUMBACK
Posted on 2010-07-07 by Anonymous.
The 2010 election cycle is right around the corner and we need your help again. We've been collecting voter IDs all over the state for months in advance of the 2010 election. As you can imagine, inputting all of this valuable data is no small task and we can't do it without volunteer support.
Posted on 2010-07-06 by Anonymous.
The death of two Tampa police officers conjures the painful memory of Officer Lois Marrero, killed in the line of duty in July 6th, 2001. Her partner of 10 years, Mickie Mashburn, was denied benefits that would properly be provided a spouse. Here's a brief video. And, here's to all law enforcement officers who protect the community even when that community fails to protect your family.
Posted on 2010-07-01 by Anonymous.
You made it happen!Wow! Thanks to you, we blasted through our $74,000 Summer Equal-A-Thon goal and raised a total of $83,955.
Posted on 2010-06-29 by Anonymous.
The pink shorts
Posted on 2010-06-28 by Anonymous.
In 1997 when that special episode of the Ellen Show was airing across the country, the local affiliate invited me and a small group of lesbians to watch the show alongside a group of far right homophobes. In particular I remember a Pastor and his wife. I remember them well for two reasons1) because he referenced his wife in every single sentence just to be sure no one mistook either of them for gay and 2) because of what happened right after the show ended.
Posted on 2010-06-25 by Anonymous.
Incumbents hard to beat
Posted on 2010-06-24 by Anonymous.
Hey Faithful Equality Florida Blog Readers!
Posted on 2010-06-22 by Anonymous.
Tonight our executive director, Nadine Smith, and deputy director, Stratton Pollitzer, attended the President's reception at the White House in honor of Pride Month. During his address President Barack Obama reinforced his commitment to ending DOMA (the defense of marriage act) and DADT (Don't Ask, Don't Tell) and passing a fully-inclusive ENDA (Employment Non-Discrimination Act).
Posted on 2010-06-22 by Anonymous.
RELEASE: Alex Sink Recognizes LGBT Pride Month Tampa, FL - Florida CFO and Gubernatorial Candidate Alex Sink issued the following statement recognizing LGBT Pride Month: "As Floridians recognize LGBT Pride Month, it is a reminder that every citizen of our state has a role to play in building a stronger Florida. Each and every Floridian has a stake in a better and more prosperous future for our state. It is also a reminder that all Floridians must be treated equally, with dignity and respect, and that our state will not tolerate discrimination of any kind."
Posted on 2010-06-21 by Anonymous.
Nadine Smith and I are attending a reception Tuesday evening at the White House in honor of LGBT Pride month. We'll probably only get a moment with the President - what do you think we should ask him? Click here to let us know:
Posted on 2010-06-15 by Anonymous.
Just hours ago, the Hillsborough County School Board voted unanimously to add gender identity to the Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Policy for Hillsborough County Public Schools. The Hillsborough policy already included Sexual orientation protections and today's amendment now provides gender identity protections for the 207,549 students who make up the 3rd largest school district in Florida. Currently 64% of Florida students attend schools that ban anti-gay bullying and more than half of those districts have now added "gender identity" to their policies.