
Posted on 2010-06-15 by Anonymous.
Crist is loving his new found freedom as an no party affiliated candidate. 
Posted on 2010-06-12 by Anonymous.
By John D. Podesta and Robert A. LevyTuesday, June 8, 2010Nearly a century after the 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868, the Supreme Court unanimously affirmed that "marriage is one of the 'basic civil rights of man.' " That 1967 case, Loving v. Virginia, ended bans on interracial marriage in the 16 states that still had such laws. Now, 43 years after Loving, the courts are once again grappling with denial of equal marriage rights -- this time to gay couples. We believe that a society respectful of individual liberty must end this unequal treatment under the law.
Posted on 2010-06-11 by Anonymous.
It has just been reported that Governor Crist has vetoed HB 1143, the bill that would have mandated ultrasounds for women seeking abortions. 
Posted on 2010-06-11 by Anonymous.
If you're in Tampa Bay next Friday and Saturday please join us for two important events hosted by Equality Florida & the ACLU We're also looking for a handful of enthusiastic volunteers who can help us ensure these events are a success. Click here if you're interested in signing up to volunteer.
Posted on 2010-06-10 by Anonymous.
Earlier this week Equality Florida sent out an e-mail asking our members to contact Governor Crist and ask him to veto HB 1143, the anti-choice bill that was passed the last day of legislative session. We received a lot of feedback about that e-mail, with many people applauding our stance and some asking us what choice issues have to do with LGBT issues. 
Posted on 2010-06-10 by Anonymous.
Thursday, June 10, 2010 By Sally Kalson, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette The agency in charge of protecting the nation's blood supply has been following a double standard since 1985.
Posted on 2010-06-07 by Anonymous.
One more in-depth study to add to the mountain of evidence that Florida's adoption ban is based on nothing more than prejudice. Monday, Jun. 07, 2010 Study: Children of Lesbians May Do Better Than Their Peers
Posted on 2010-06-05 by Anonymous.
From the Miami Herald:
Posted on 2010-06-04 by Anonymous.
Despite objections of his lead attorney and his client, McCollum Demanded Hiring of Discredited Rekers
Posted on 2010-06-04 by Anonymous.
Time Magazine takes a look at Florida's unprecedented Senate race and sees a path to victory for...Kendrick Meek.Interesting analysis.
Posted on 2010-06-03 by Anonymous.
Speculation has been swirling for the last few weeks about Bud Chiles, the son of the late Lawton Chiles, jumping into the governor's race. It was thought if he did, he would jump into the Democratic race against Alex Sink.
Posted on 2010-05-27 by Anonymous.
From The Buzz: 
Posted on 2010-05-27 by Anonymous.
Tune into to hear today's interview with Equality Florida's statewide Field Director Joe Saunders. Joe reveals strategies for electing LGBT and friendly candidates in the 2010 and 2012 elections. Joe also discusses a critical first step of redistricting. The show also includes a discussion with Dr. Bob Minor, founder of and author of numerous LGBT focused books including his latest tome, "When Religion Is An Addiction."
Posted on 2010-05-25 by Anonymous.
BREAKING NEWS: Congress may vote as early as Thursday on whether to end Don't Ask Don't Tell!