
Posted on 2009-05-29 by Anonymous.
Video of Prop 8 LGBT protest in Pinellas: “Am I not a citizen?” | The Political Whore More interviews after the break.
Posted on 2009-05-29 by Anonymous.
At a recent speaking engagement, I asked a group of people what the world would be like if from the day they were born prejudice had never touched their lives. No homophobic bullying in school. Supportive families at homes No trans-bashing humor on TV.
Posted on 2009-05-28 by Anonymous.
David Hyde Pierce On His Marriage, Prop 8 Anger (VIDEO) Great quote from Frasier's younger brother--- "Can you imagine if you're married the people in your state getting together and saying, no you're not... It was a very angry-making decision... It's none of your business."
Posted on 2009-05-28 by Anonymous.
Who knew? The lead singer from Matchbox Twenty calls himself "a straight man, with a big gay chip on my shoulder" and says it better than most in this HuffPost column on Marriage Equality:
Posted on 2009-05-27 by Anonymous.
Openly gay candidate in Florida gets a standing ovation after answering the "gay" question
Posted on 2009-05-26 by Anonymous.
Openly gay candidate in Florida gets a standing ovation after answering the "gay" question
Posted on 2009-05-26 by Anonymous.
Just moments ago, the California Supreme Court issued a decision upholding Proposition 8, a constitutional amendment prohibiting the freedom to marry for same-gender couples. Click here to see more on the ruling.
Posted on 2009-05-26 by Anonymous.
Monday, May 26, 2009 CONTACT: Eric Wingerter, (202) 243-9995 Washington—The National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Bar Association, the nation’s leading association of LGBT legal professionals, today issued a statement on the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court of the United States.
Posted on 2009-05-24 by Anonymous.
Just this week the White House emphasized Obama’s determination to repeal the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy banning gays from serving openly in the military, and on This Week George Stephanopoulos gets his chief military adviser, Admiral Mike Mullen, to chime in on the matter…sort of: He will comply with the law.
Posted on 2009-05-24 by Anonymous.
Op-Ed Columnist - La Cage aux Democrats - Worth reading. Here's a telling excerpt:
Posted on 2009-05-24 by Anonymous.
YouTube - E.T. - Marie Osmond: So What If My Daughter's Gay?
Posted on 2009-05-24 by Anonymous.
All-white slate in Florida may be liability - Political Currents - At a time when the Florida electorate is growing increasingly diverse, the Republican party is gearing up to field an all-male, all-white slate in 2010.
Posted on 2009-05-24 by Anonymous.
Two Little Boys - By the Numbers Blog - On April 6, just before dinner, Carl Joseph Walker-Hoover, a Massachusetts boy who had endured relentless homophobic taunts at school, wrapped an extension cord around his tiny neck and hanged himself. He was only 11 years old. His mother had to cut him down.
Posted on 2009-05-22 by Anonymous.
On Tuesday - May 26th, he California Supreme Court will issue a ruling in the Prop 8/ Marriage Equality case and decide whether a bare majority of voters can strip a minority group of their basic civil rights. With more than 37 million residents, California is the most populous state in the country and the court's decision is sure to have an immediate and profound impact nationwide. That's why Equality Florida is inviting our members to join an Online Briefing with state leaders from California that will be scheduled within 24 hours of the decision.
Posted on 2009-05-21 by Anonymous.
A student in a San Diego County school was told that her report on assassinated gay rights leader Harvey Milk was akin to "sexual education" and a "sensitive topic". The school placed restrictions on the student's report saying she first had to receive permission from her fellow classmates parents to present. Only after the principle sent letters to parents notifying them of the "sensitive" subject matter was the student allowed to present her presentation during a lunch recess.
Posted on 2009-05-21 by Anonymous.
Please share this video widely and support transgender non-discrimination legislation in your state. > Everyone Matters | GLAD
Posted on 2009-05-20 by Anonymous.
Lesbians Sue When Partners Die Alone - ABC News