
Posted on 2009-06-04 by Anonymous.
Time To Be One or Back OneSponsor a Pride Team! It's Pride Season and that means one thing. A huge opportunity to get more people engaged in the fight for Full Equality.
Posted on 2009-06-04 by Anonymous.
Nadine Smith, executive director for Equality Florida, will be speaking in Tampa (and via video conference firm-wide) on Monday, June 8th to address one of Florida's most prominent law firms, Carlton Fields. Nadine will talk about the history and current status of state and federal laws regarding workplace discrimination and protection, recognition of LGBT relationships and the Florida statute banning adoption by gay parents.
Posted on 2009-06-04 by Anonymous.
This video is part of "Project Pushback" a contest that invites voters to help select the best short video promoting marriage equality. The contest is being sponsored by the Los Angeles Gay and and Lesbian Center as well as the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center of New York City.
Posted on 2009-06-03 by Anonymous.
New Hampshire Becomes 6th State to Legalize Marriage for Gay and Lesbian Couples Governor Lynch signs bill only hours after legislative approval FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, June 3, 2009 CONTACT:
Posted on 2009-06-03 by Anonymous.
The House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on the Transportation Security Administration Authorization Act (H.R. 2200) this week. Rep.
Posted on 2009-06-03 by Anonymous.
By MATTHEW LEE, Associated Press Writer Matthew Lee, Associated Press Writer –Sat May 23, 7:38 pm ET… WASHINGTON – Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will soon announce that gay American diplomats will be given benefits similar to those that their heterosexual counterparts enjoy, U.S. officials said Saturday.
Posted on 2009-06-03 by Anonymous.
Hooray!!!!! Voters Punish Gay-Baiting Candidate; Elect Andre Pierre in Close Run-Off
Posted on 2009-06-03 by Anonymous.
Shepard Smith Calls Cheney's Gay Marriage Stance A "Cop Out"
Posted on 2009-06-03 by Anonymous.
Inspired by other Guerrilla Queer Bars in such cities as San Francisco, Boston and Detroit, the goal is to gather a large group of people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender and say, “Let’s go to a space where we’re usually marginalized and be in the center for a night,” says organizer Ethan Philbrick, 23, of Over-the-Rhine.
Posted on 2009-06-02 by Anonymous.
TAKE ACTION: Demand that KRXQ Radio Hosts Rob Williams and Arnie States Apologize for Encouraging Violence Against Transgender Children
Posted on 2009-06-02 by Anonymous.
Dr. Jill Biden, wife of Vice President Joe Biden, delivered opening remarks at the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network's sixth annual Respect Awards in New York City on Monday evening. In an appearance marking the first time someone from the presidential or vice presidential area of the Obama-Biden administration addressed a gay organization, she voiced their “commitment” to making schools safe for all students, including LGBT youths.
Posted on 2009-06-02 by Anonymous.
Associated Press: Cheney on Gay Marriage: 'Freedom for Everyone' Former Vice President Dick Cheney said in a speech at the National Press Club Monday that he supports individual states making the decision as to whether gay couples can marry, and that, "[P]eople ought to be free to enter into any kind of union they wish [...]" Monday 06.01.09…
Posted on 2009-06-02 by Anonymous.
We must make politicians pay a price for homophobic campaigning. North Miami has had one of our state's most LGBT friendly city council's - let's respond to this outrageous ad! Stratton FORWARD THIS EMAIL TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW IN NORTH MIAMI AND URGE THEM TO VOTE TODAY
Posted on 2009-06-02 by Anonymous.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world…indeed, it is the only thing that ever has!”- Margaret Mead Are you ready to take a stand for equality? Are you ready to make a difference in your community? Are you ready to learn the organizing skills you need to motivate volunteers and create change?
Posted on 2009-06-01 by Anonymous.
ATLANTA, Ga. – A prominent professor of Christian ethics has published a favorable review of a gay advocate's book which addresses the harm experienced by gay youth when religion is used to justify prejudice, discrimination and violence toward gay Americans.In his review of Mitchell Gold's book, "CRISIS: 40 Stories About The Personal, Social and Religious Pain and Trauma of Growing Up Gay In America, " Dr. David P. Gushee of Atlanta, Ga., suggests Christians should ask forgiveness for the harm that they have caused to their gay and lesbian neighbors.
Posted on 2009-06-01 by Anonymous.
Frank Schaeffer: How I (and Other "Pro-Life" Leaders) Contributed to Dr. Tiller's Murder The murder of pro-choice medical provider Dr. George Tiller outside his Witchita Church by an anti-choice extremist, prompted this article from a former far right extremist.
Posted on 2009-06-01 by Anonymous.
Equality Florida Intern Edward rallies the crowd: Twenty feet away and decked out in a colorful tie-dye shirt, Florida State University junior Edward Marti-Kreng led the demonstrators in a chant with his tiny Yorkshire terrier, “Arjay,” strapped across his chest.“What do we want?” Marti-Kreng shouted into a bullhorn.“Equality!”“When do we want it?”“Now!”
Posted on 2009-05-31 by Anonymous.
Here is one of the conclusions of a report that claimed a student who committed suicide was not bullied.