
Posted on 2009-05-05 by Anonymous.
Oh, the 2010 election is SO on. Former Speaker of the Florida House, Marco Rubio (R- Miami), announced today he will run for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Republican Mel Martinez. This will make for an interesting race with tough primaries for both parties. It is widely speculated Governor Charlie Crist will also be jumping in. Crist has high popularity ratings and will be a formidable opponent. Read the story here
Posted on 2009-05-02 by Anonymous.
MSNBC's David Shuster destroys the National Organization for Marriage's Brian Brown over the omissions and lies in their latest ad.
Posted on 2009-05-02 by Anonymous.
Republicans kick off campaign to shine party image * Story Highlights * NEW: "Our party has taken its licks the last few cycles," Cantor says * NEW: Jeb Bush says it's time for GOP "to listen a little bit, learn a little bit" * Saturday marks first in a series of cross-country town hall meetings * Asked about the state of the GOP, Obama said, "I don't believe in crystal balls"updated 1 hour, 27 minutes ago * Next Article in Politics » * Read * VIDEOBy Rebecca SinderbrandCNNDecrease font
Posted on 2009-05-02 by Anonymous.
New film ‘Outrage!’ doesn't 'out' Gov. CristBy BETH REINHARD, [email protected]
Posted on 2009-05-01 by Anonymous.
...Had a really lovely segment on a lesbian couple getting married this afternoon in Iowa. Hugh Jackman was a guest today and was also very vocal about his support for gay marriage during the segment, and fantastic Nate Barkus, Oprah's decorator-in-chief, also discussed being gay, wanting the right to marry and coming out. Will post video if we can find it.
Posted on 2009-05-01 by Anonymous.
Pam's House Blend:: Civil Rights Redux; Change we can believe in? Is the President going back on his word?
Posted on 2009-04-30 by Anonymous.
"Hate crimes have no place in my community or anywhere else, but they are an unfortunate reality that must be addressed..." Watch Rep. Kathy Castor's impassioned speech from yesterday's debate on the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crime Prevention Act.
Posted on 2009-04-30 by Anonymous.
April 29th was a banner day for the LGBT community. The House of Representatives passed the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act for the second time with a vote of 249-175. The debate yesterday was a bit of an emotional roller coaster, offering hours of toxic falsehoods spewed by some members and heroic, poignant, and inspirational words by others. In recent weeks, Florida Reps. Debbie Wasserman Schults (Fl - 20) cosponsored the bill and was joined by Robert Wexler (Fl - 19) as both fought passionately about the need for passage.
Posted on 2009-04-30 by Anonymous. - 'Top Gun' Star Kelly McGillis Confirms Lesbian Rumors - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment Tom Cruise's girlfriend in the 1980s hit "Top Gun" confirmed in an interview the longstanding rumor that she's gay.
Posted on 2009-04-29 by Anonymous.
Here's the official statement:
Posted on 2009-04-29 by Anonymous.
Take Action: Take Action- Fight Hate Crimes
Posted on 2009-04-22 by Anonymous.
Gay Marriage Spreads Without Backlash - ABC News The culture wars are raging. But if we're in the midst of a revolution, it's hardly being televised. A flurry of state-level activity is dramatically expanding gay marriage in the United States. A court ruling in Iowa and a legislative vote in Vermont made them the third and fourth states to legalize same-sex marriage, and moves are under way for states including New York, Connecticut and New Hampshire to join them soon.
Posted on 2009-04-22 by Anonymous.
Voting-law rewrite on the wrong track OUR OPINION: Legislation veers from values that strengthen democracy
Posted on 2009-04-17 by Anonymous.
Below are some initial excerpts from the speech (with more to come later): “…it cannot be argued that marriage between people of the same sex is un-American or threatens the rights of others. On the contrary it seems to me that to denying two consenting adults of the same sex the right to form a lawful union that is protected and respected by the state denies them two of the most basic national rights affirmed in the preamble of our declaration of independence – liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
Posted on 2009-04-17 by Anonymous. "You have recently done this in showing support for the legalization of gay marriage. History will show you are right and will we support you on this issue." - Russell Simmons
Posted on 2009-04-17 by Anonymous.
The Colbert Coalition's Anti-Gay Marriage Ad (VIDEO)
Posted on 2009-04-16 by Anonymous.
YouTube - Gov. Paterson announces gay marriage bill
Posted on 2009-04-16 by Anonymous.
NEW YORK (Reuters) – New York Governor David Paterson will introduce legislation on Thursday to make gay marriage legal, but the move faces an uncertain vote in the state's Senate.If the bill passes, New York would follow Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont and Iowa in legalizing gay marriage."The timing was always right," said Paterson, a Democrat -- who ordered all New York state agencies a year ago to recognize out-of-state gay marriages. "It's just who is willing to take that step, and I am."
Posted on 2009-04-16 by Anonymous.
Charlie Justice uses Justice for ALL slogan as he announces campaign. How inclusive will he be? State Senator Charlie Justice today announced his candidacy for Florida’s 10th Congressional District.