
Posted on 2010-12-22 by Anonymous.
UPDATE: After beautiful remarks, President Obama just signed the bill into law. The President reminded us today isn't just about the 17 year old law "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" but about our entire history. Gay people served in the Revolutionary War, Gettysburg and World War II and have always had to hide who they are. The bill signed into law will allow LGBT people to serve openly for the first time in our history.
Posted on 2010-12-21 by Anonymous.
Hey all you data geeks- the numbers from the US Census came out today!
Posted on 2010-12-19 by Anonymous.
My response to John McCain after he whined (see below) about the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell: Senator McCain, you say it's a sad day. Let me tell you a story.
Posted on 2010-12-18 by Anonymous.
Moments ago, the US Senate voted 65-31 to repeal "don't ask, don't tell" policy banning gays in military, sends to President Obama to sign.
Posted on 2010-12-18 by Anonymous.
Media Statement December 18, 2010 Today, the Senate took a key vote that will lead to the end of the discriminatory "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (DADT) policy that has resulted in the firing of 14,000+ service members. The policy, passed 17 years ago, has forced tens-of thousands more American troops to lie in order to serve their country.
Posted on 2010-12-18 by Anonymous.
Moments ago, the Senate took a key vote that will lead to the end of the discriminatory “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) policy that has resulted in the firing of 14,000+ service members. The policy, passed 17 years ago, has forced tens-of thousands more American troops to lie in order to serve their country. DADT has not been repealed. Today's actions by the Senate simply allows repeal efforts to move forward. A final vote on the bill will occur later today, but the 63-33 vote for cloture all but assures passage of the repeal measure.
Posted on 2010-12-16 by Anonymous.
Martin Gill, the plaintiff in the successful legal challenge to Florida's anti-gay adoption ban, will be attending the White House Holiday Reception today, Dec. 16th.
Posted on 2010-12-15 by Anonymous.
UPDATE: Florida Senator Bill Nelslon has signed on as a sponsor of stand alone legislation to repeal the anti-gay "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" military policy.Click here to send a thank you letter to Senator Nelson for signing on as a co-sponsor of Senate Bill S4023.
Posted on 2010-12-15 by Anonymous.
UPDATE: The US House of Representatives has passed the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" repeal bill by a vote of 250-175. Now the bill heads to the Senate where key Senator Olympia Snowe has pledged support. The US House of Representatives is discussing the stand alone "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" repeal bill right now.
Posted on 2010-12-15 by Anonymous.
We've all seen the recent headlines regarding the string of LGBTQ youth who have committed suicide after suffering relentless bullying. As part of their commitment to ending marginalization of all peoples, the Holocaust Memorial Center has sponsored a series of community events dedicated to eradicating bullying against all youth. The events will feature a nationally recognized speaker on bullying, John Halligan. Halligan's own son committed suicide after being bullied, he's been featured on programs like the Oprah Winfrey Show.
Posted on 2010-12-15 by Anonymous.
The Advocate is reporting the House will vote today on the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" stand alone bill that was introduced yesterday.
Posted on 2010-12-14 by Anonymous.
Today a stand alone "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" repeal bill was introduced into the US House of Representatives. The bill, sponsored by Rep. Patrick Murphy and cosponsored by Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, is identical to the Senate repeal bill that was introduced on Friday by Sen. Joe Lieberman and Sen. Susan Collins.
Posted on 2010-12-09 by Anonymous.
Moments ago, by a vote of 57-40, the Senate defeated a motion to reconsider the National Defense Authorization Act, which included language to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell". The vote was largely along party lines, although Sen. Collins from Maine did vote in favor.
Posted on 2010-12-08 by Anonymous.
A Vote On DADT Today?
Posted on 2010-12-02 by Anonymous.
From the Associated Press:
Posted on 2010-12-02 by Anonymous.
Watch the Armed Services Committee discuss "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" repeal and the study done by the military.