More battles ahead before marriage equality becomes the law of the land

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NEW YORK — Even as they celebrate a momentous legal victory, supporters of gay marriage already are anticipating a return trip to the Supreme Court in a few years, sensing that no other option but a broader court ruling will legalize same-sex unions in all 50 states.

In the meantime, as one gay-rights leader said, there will be “two Americas” — and a host of legal complications for many gay couples moving between them.

Gay Marriage Advocates Anticipate Return To Supreme Court After Ruling

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NEW YORK -- Even as they celebrate a momentous legal victory, supporters of gay marriage already are anticipating a return trip to the Supreme Court in a few years, sensing that no other option but a broader court ruling will legalize same-sex unions in all 50 states.

In the meantime, as one gay-rights leader said, there will be "two Americas" – and a host of legal complications for many gay couples moving between them.

Gay Floridians celebrate after Supreme Court ruling

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Wednesday's US Supreme Court rulings have been celebrated by same-sex supporters across our area.

But since gay marriage is not recognized by Florida, the fight in the Sunshine state is just beginning.

‘Equality Florida' is the state's largest LGBT civil rights organization.

‘Equality Florida' Executive Director Brian Winfield said, "This is a quantum leap forward for our whole nation."

U.S. Supreme Court Gay Marriage Decisions Prompt Celebration At Florida Capitol

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The U.S. Supreme Court handed down two landmark decisions Wednesday – both by 5-4 votes. 

The Court first struck down the Federal Defense of Marriage Act, or DOMA.  Next, it vacated a lower court’s decision on California’s Proposition 8.  While this latter decision didn’t set up marriage as a civil right, it does clear the way for gay marriages to resume in California.