Inside the Immigration Bill: Gay-Rights Groups Disappointed

Submitted by Brittany on April 17, 2013 - 10:36am
Posted by David Nakamura on April 16, 2013 at 1:01 pm
The Washington Post

Inside the immigration bill: Gay-rights groups disappointed

A bipartisan Senate group has agreed on a sweeping legislative proposal that would represent the most ambitious overhaul of the U.S. immigration system in three decades. The Washington Post will be examining portions of the bill on Post Politics in a series of blog entries.

Pinellas County Domestic Partner Registration Opens Monday, April 15th!

Submitted by Brittany on April 12, 2013 - 1:05pm

Pinellas County Domestic Partner Registration opens Monday, April 15th at 8:00AM


The Pinellas County Domestic Partner Registry (DPR) open this coming Monday, April 15th at 8:00a.m. Here is the information as to where/how one can register. All of the information below, and more, can be found on the county's website:

Where and how to register:

Scott Randolph, Constitutional Tax Collector, to institute Domestic Partnership Tax Equity Policy

Submitted by Brittany on March 29, 2013 - 10:36am

Scott Randolph, Constitutional Tax Collector, to institute Domestic Partnership Tax Equity Policy

The Orange County Constitutional Tax Collector’s office announced today that it would immediately institute a Domestic Partnership Tax Equity Policy, which will establish a stipend to reimburse and make whole tax collector employees who continue to be discriminated against by the federal tax code’s treatment of domestic partner health benefits.