Find A Day of Decision Rally In Your Area!

Submitted by Brittany on June 15, 2013 - 7:03pm

Breaking News On The Supreme Court Decisions Here:

OPINION #1 - DOMA has been struck down. DOMA is unconstitutional as a deprivation of the equal liberty of persons that is protected by the Fifth Amendment. 5-4 per Kennedy.

A link to the opinion:

News Links for DOMA case:

1. "Supreme Court Strikes Down Part of Defense of Marriage Act" - ABC NEWS -…

2. "Supreme Court DOMA Decision Rules Federal Same-Sex Marriage Ban Unconstitutional" - HUFFINGTON POST -…

OPINION #2 - SCOTUS dismisses Proposition 8 case.  (5-4 per Chief Roberts) MARRIAGE EQUALITY TO RETURN TO CALIFORNIA

The petitioners did not have standing to appeal the district court order. The decision of the Ninth Circuit is vacated and remanded.  The Ninth Circuit was without jurisdiciton to consider the appeal. The judgment of the Ninth Circuit is vacated, and the case is remanded with instructions to dismiss the appeal for lack of jurisdiction.

A link to the opinion:

News Links for Prop 8.

1. "Supreme Court strikes down part of DOMA, dismisses Prop. 8 appeal" - CNN (Blog) -

2. "Prop. 8: Supreme Court clears way for gay marriage in California" - (LA Times) -…

3. "Supreme Court Rules On Prop 8, Lets Gay Marriage Resume In California" - Huffington Post -…

Children of Same-Sex Parents Thriving: Erin & Liz Czerwinski's Story.

Submitted by Brittany on June 10, 2013 - 12:16pm

Twins Of Two Gay Moms Provide Proof That Children Of Same-Sex Parents Are Thriving

This week's issue of Conch Color, a weekly Florida Keys publication, featured two twin girls who made history by earning the title's of Valedictorian and Salutatorian at Key West High School.

Liz and Erin Czerwinski clearly deserved such honors seeing that both young ladies had GPA's over 4.7.