
Posted on 2011-07-06 by Anonymous.
NOTE: Our friends at SLDN just let us know about this important court decision. When EQFL was at the President's LGBT Pride Reception last week, President Obama stated that he expected the certification to happen "within weeks, not months." This court decision may just be the final straw that brings an end to Don't Ask, Don't Tell. From SLDN:
Posted on 2011-07-06 by Anonymous.
We are winning the battle of public opinion - most Floridians are now on our side. But popular support hasn't translated into statewide victories because the elections are rigged.
Posted on 2011-07-03 by Anonymous.
Equality Florida Attends President's Reception in Honor of LGBT Pride Month
Posted on 2011-07-01 by Anonymous.
Three weeks ago, we set an aggressive goal of raising $72,000 for our 2011 Equal-a-thon. Because of your generous support and a huge response in just the last 24 hours, we blew past our goal and raised $81,834!
Posted on 2011-06-25 by Anonymous.
As we celebrate yesterday's passage of Marraige Equality in New York, we wanted to share a few brief thoughts on what this tremendous victory means for us here in Florida.
Posted on 2011-06-16 by Anonymous.
We are winning!
Posted on 2011-06-14 by Anonymous.
New Blue Cross social media campaign rewards nonprofit agencies that net most votes | This month, Equality Florida has an opportunity to receive $3,000 in the BlueCross BlueShield of Florida's "The Pursuit" competition and it only takes a moment of your time. Will you help?
Posted on 2011-06-14 by Anonymous.
Currently, Florida law does not recognize gay and straight unmarried couples. Our families can love and support each other for decades and still be denied fundamental protections. It's time for the City of Orlando and Orange County to do what state and federal law currently has not. It's time for the City of Orlando and Orange County to create a domestic partnership registry.
Posted on 2011-06-14 by Anonymous.
You know what my favorite part of this article is? Florida is not listed as one of the states that prohibit LGBT people from adopting. By SABRINA TAVERNISEPublished: June 13, 2011 Growing numbers of gay couples across the country are adopting, according to census data, despite an uneven legal landscape that can leave their children without the rights and protections extended to children of heterosexual parents.
Posted on 2011-06-08 by Anonymous.
This past Sunday forty of Equality Florida's strongest supporters from the Suncoast gathered at the home of Rita Ferrandino for an afternoon of fun and fellowship. During a brief program, Rita shared her vision for Sarasota County and the country and recommitted herself and the resources she helps guide as Chair of the Sarasota Democratic Party to the pursuit of equality. Joe Saunders, Equality Florida's Field Director, briefed the crowd on our recent victories and the challenges that still lie ahead.
Posted on 2011-06-08 by Anonymous.
Over the summer the Florida legislature will hold a series of meetings aimed at getting public input on the redistricting process. Redistricting happens once every 10 years and hold tremendous importance over the way the state will be governed for the next decade. Often districts are drawn to favor the party in power, which were Republicans 10 years ago, and are Republicans today. By making our districts drawn fairly, elections will be more competitive- which is a good thing.
Posted on 2011-06-06 by Anonymous.
We’re in a competition to win $3,000 from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida (BCBSFL), and we need your vote!
Posted on 2011-06-02 by Anonymous.
Join us Saturday, June 11th from 8pm - midnight in St Pete for the Stayin' Alive Red Ribbon Dance in support of AIDS Service Association of Pinellas (ASAP).
Posted on 2011-06-01 by Anonymous.
Our good friend, Scott Maxwell, over at the Orlando Sentinel recently talked to new Department of Children and Families chief, David Wilkins, about his decision to cut 500 jobs from the Department. Maxwell also took the opportunity to ask Wilkins if he had plans to try and resurrect Florida's ban on LGBT adoption. From Maxwell's article:
Posted on 2011-06-01 by Anonymous.
THE WHITE HOUSEOffice of the Press SecretaryFor Immediate Release May 31, 2011LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, AND TRANSGENDER PRIDE MONTH, 2011 - - - - - - -BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAA PROCLAMATION The story of America's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, andTransgender (LGBT) community is the story of our fathers andsons, our mothers and daughters, and our friends and neighbors