
Posted on 2015-11-18 by Brittany.
Equality Means Business Written By: Mike Reedy, Business Outreach Manager
Posted on 2015-11-18 by Brittany.
Transgender Day of Remembrance and Visibility Written By: Gina Duncan, Transgender Inclusion Director
Posted on 2015-11-18 by Brittany.
Older LGBT people face challenges that others do not Town meetings will discuss needed changes in aging policies and services
Posted on 2015-11-18 by Brittany.
Making the case for equality Florida’s leading business magazine features transgender woman Gina Duncan
Posted on 2015-11-09 by Brittany.
Lawyer who helped win marriage equality will be honored in Sarasota Mary Bonauto will join Michael Donald Edwards at Equality Florida’s annual celebration Mary Bonauto, the lawyer who successfully argued for marriage equality at the U.S. Supreme Court earlier this year, will come to Sarasota later this month to accept a Lifetime Achievement Award from Equality Florida at its annual Suncoast Celebration.
Posted on 2015-11-03 by Brittany.
Today is Election Day! Every vote will make a difference, so it is important pro-equality supporters like you get out to vote today. Equality Florida Action PAC has endorsed pro-equality candidates in Miami Beach, Orlando, and St. Petersburg! Be sure to check them out before heading to the ballot box! GO VOTE!
Posted on 2015-11-02 by Brittany.
Leadership For a Changing America - 21st Century Policing LGBT Employees in Public Safety and LGBT Community Partnerships
Posted on 2015-10-26 by Brittany.
An Equality Florida member told us last week that his health insurer had denied coverage for an HIV medication he has taken for several years. He ultimately did get his meds, but he worried that the hurdles he faced might signal an effort by the insurance company to encourage HIV-positive clients to find another carrier. We reached out to Florida Blue and the company acknowledged and apologized for a technical glitch that had affected 89 policyholders. It also issued this statement clarifying their policy.  
Posted on 2015-10-21 by Brittany.
This bill would allow people to opt out of anti-discrimination laws Extends beyond churches to individuals, businesses and others  
Posted on 2015-10-20 by Brittany.
Orange County ends domestic partnership benefits Here's why we think that's a mistake ​
Posted on 2015-10-15 by Brittany.
In honor of Spirit Day, millions of people across the nation have gone purple today to show their support for LGBTQ youth and take a stand against bullying. Statistically, we know LGBTQ youth face much higher rates of bullying and harassment in schools, and examples of such discrimination in Florida are often reported to Equality Florida.
Posted on 2015-10-13 by Brittany.
Broward updates and reaffirms its domestic partnership ordinance The Broward County Commission updated its domestic partnership ordinance Tuesday, adding new protections and ensuring that partnerships registered elsewhere will be recognized in Broward County.
Posted on 2015-10-08 by Brittany.
On September 26th, nearly 500 guests gathered at the beautiful Florida Yacht Club to celebrate our movement’s historic gains and invest in the critical work ahead. Thanks to the generosity of our incredible sponsors and equality supporters like you, we broke our local fundraising record and raised over $192,000 for LGBT equality in the Greater Jacksonville region and across the state.
Posted on 2015-10-08 by Brittany.
On Thursday, September 17, dozens of Pensacola residents and community leaders came out to speak up in favor of a fully-inclusive Human Rights Ordinance! The Pensacola City Council voted to move the HRO to a workshop on November 9th to discuss the issue further.
Posted on 2015-10-07 by Brittany.
Faith leaders contradict claims of religious discrimination They say a so-called pastor protection bill is both unnecessary and divisive
Posted on 2015-10-05 by Brittany.
​Unete a nosotros! Equality Florida launches its first educational campaign in Spanish Oct. 5, 2015 Contacts: Susanna Taddei, Producer, [email protected] Jim Harper, Media/Communications, [email protected]
Posted on 2015-10-02 by Brittany.
Equality Florida Meets With TSA Officials; Calls for Improvement of Transgender Security Screening Guidelines Following Orlando Incident
Posted on 2015-09-22 by Brittany.
Meet the Interns: Gabby (Legislative Intern/ Lobby Days Intern) 1. Tell us a little about yourself...
Posted on 2015-09-21 by Brittany.
Meet the Interns: Ella Delva (Legislative Intern) 1. Tell us a little about yourself...