
Posted on 2018-06-12 by Brittany.
On June 12, 2016, the Orlando community was rocked by the massacre that claimed the lives of 49 people. The horror unfolded in the middle of Pride month on Latin Night at Pulse Nightclub, a popular gathering place for young LGBTQ people of color. Today, as we remember those taken from us, we also renew our calls to #HonorThemWithAction - and I challenge you to join us.
Posted on 2018-06-08 by michaelw.
We are deeply saddened by the passing on Sunday, May 27th of a dear friend of Equality Florida, mentor, cheerleader, pioneer, unabashed and fierce social justice warrior Connie Kurtz. As a fierce advocate for social justice and LGBT rights, Connie and her beloved Ruthie had many notable triumphs. In the early 1980’s, they took on closed minds on the Phil Donahue Show, fighting for (and winning) a Domestic Partnership Registry that would afford equal rights for same-sex couples.
Posted on 2018-05-11 by Brittany.
The Movement Advancement Project (MAP) released new data showing our recent success in Florida with changing birth certificate gender requirements. With this victory, 51% of LGBTQ adults in the U.S. can now get an accurate birth certificate without burdensome requirements. A recent blog post by MAP stated:
Posted on 2018-05-11 by Brittany.
The Movement Advancement Project (MAP) released new data showing our recent success in Florida with changing birth certificate gender requirements. With this victory, 51% of LGBTQ adults in the U.S. can now get an accurate birth certificate without burdensome requirements. A recent blog post by MAP stated:
Posted on 2018-04-02 by michaelw.
Meet the Interns: Jack Mills (Field Intern) 1. Tell us a little about yourself…
Posted on 2018-03-23 by michaelw.
Equality Florida Institute To Honor Florida State Representative Carlos Guillermo Smith, Sandra Saladrigas, and Vita Nova at 5th Annual Palm Beach Gala  
Posted on 2018-03-21 by Brittany.
Conventional wisdom holds that Florida’s legislative sessions are quieter in election years for political reasons. Apparently no one told that to 2018! We did see sluggishness in legislators declining to hear many LGBTQ and pro-reproductive justice bills. The tragic mass shooting in Parkland, however, shook up the final weeks of Legislative Session and turned all focus to gun safety reform. When the 2018 Legislative Session finally drew to a close, Equality Florida had:
Posted on 2018-03-20 by Brittany.
Thanks to a collaborative effort by Equality Florida, Southern Legal Counsel, and the National Center for Transgender Equality, the Florida Department of Health agreed to amend their outdated and inconsistent policy for amending the sex designation on a Florida birth certificate.
Posted on 2018-03-15 by Brittany.
Meet the Interns: Isabel Teller (Field Intern) 1. Tell us a little about yourself…
Posted on 2018-03-15 by Brittany.
Meet the Interns: Bryce Santos-Fegers (HIV Advocacy Intern) 1. Tell us a little about yourself…
Posted on 2018-03-13 by Brittany.
Mayor Rick Kriseman Declares March 31st as Transgender Day of Visibility ​
Posted on 2018-03-02 by Brittany.
Meet the Interns: Julia Lozada (Field Intern)   1. Tell us a little about yourself…
Posted on 2018-02-27 by Brittany.
Equality Florida’s Transgender Inclusion Initiative, known as TransAction Florida, continues to grow grassroots engagement and influence state public policy through education workshops and speaking engagements across Florida.
Posted on 2018-02-19 by Brittany.
  Equality Florida to Rick Scott: "Enough broken promises, stand against the NRA!"  
Posted on 2018-02-16 by Brittany.
Mourning Death of Celine Walker, Advocates Implore Jacksonville Law Enforcement To Update Transgender Policies