NEWS RELEASE: New TV Ad Shows Marriage Brings Families Together in Florida

Submitted by Brittany on June 3, 2015 - 9:45am

New television ad demonstrates the
growing support for marriage equality

Equality Florida and Freedom to Marry produced it
to air ahead of Supreme Court ruling

June 3, 2015

​PANAMA CITY, Fla. – With the Supreme Court expected to rule on marriage by the end of this month, Equality Florida and Freedom to Marry today released a second television ad demonstrating the broad base of support for marriage equality.

NEWS RELEASE: Equality Florida hires Cindy Brown, a celebrated LGBT leader in Miami-Dade

Submitted by Brittany on June 1, 2015 - 9:39am

Equality Florida hires Cindy Brown, a celebrated LGBT leader in Miami-Dade

She’ll be the LGBT advocacy group’s local development officer

May 28, 2015

Cindy Brown, a widely admired leader in Miami-Dade’s LGBT community and beyond, has joined the staff of Equality Florida as it’s new Miami-Dade development officer.

NEWS RELEASE: Historic voter mobilization secures Pro-Equality Majority on Jacksonville City Council

Submitted by Brittany on May 20, 2015 - 10:02am

Historic voter mobilization secures Pro-Equality Majority on Jacksonville City Council

Human Rights Campaign and Equality Florida rally more than 100,000 voters

[Jacksonville] -- An historic mobilization of pro-equality voters in today’s run-off elections means a majority of the Jacksonville City Council are now on record in support of adding sexual orientation and gender identity to the city’s nondiscrimination law.

NEWS RELEASE: Our 2015 Florida Legislative Scorecard

Submitted by Brittany on May 1, 2015 - 2:57pm

Our 2015 Florida Legislative Scorecard

Equality Florida celebrates the defeat of two bills
and the passage of another

As this year’s regular legislative session draws to a close, Equality Florida is thankful that two anti-LGBT measures did not pass; and that one very good bill for all Floridians is on its way to the governor.

With telephone calls, emails and personal testimony, Equality Florida members and supporters worked hard to defeat two discriminatory bills.