NEWS RELEASE: Michael Donald Edwards of Asolo Rep will receive ‘Voice for Equality’ award

Submitted by Brittany on September 16, 2015 - 2:52pm

Michael Donald Edwards of Asolo Rep will
receive ‘Voice for Equality’ award

Equality Florida honors him for his theater’s
programming and community support

SARASOTA -- Michael Donald Edwards uses musicals and plays to stir up big ideas -- as well as to create new connections among his audiences.

Meet the Chin Family: Plaintiffs in the Florida Birth Certificate Lawsuit

Submitted by Brittany on August 27, 2015 - 12:29pm

On August 13, 2015, Debbie and Kari Chin - along with two other married same-sex couples and Equality Florida Institute - filed a federal lawsuit challenging Florida's refusal to list both same-sex spouses on their children's birth certificates.

Watch their video and read their interview to learn more about this brave couple who are heading to court to fight for Florida's LGBT families.