
Posted on 2010-01-07 by Anonymous.
This afternoon the New Jersey state senate will vote on marriage equality. Friday is the last day the state legislature will be in session. In-coming governor Chris Christie takes office on Jan. 19 and opposes same-sex marriage. 
Posted on 2010-01-06 by Anonymous.
Word has just come from the Alex Sink 2010 campaign for Governor, that the campaign raised $5 million toward her campaign in 2009. 
Posted on 2010-01-05 by Anonymous.
For weeks now, Republicans have been calling for Republican Party State Chairman Jim Greer's resignation. Greer has resisted citing Governor Charlie Crist wishes him to stay- apparently until now. 
Posted on 2010-01-04 by Anonymous.
The US has lifted a 22-year immigration ban which has stopped anyone with HIV/Aids from entering the country.
Posted on 2009-12-31 by Anonymous.
This week our guests on As I Am Radio will be Sam Sussman, the 18 year old "straight" activist for the LBGT community who spoke at the Equality March on Washington this year. And, we will talk with Nadine Smith, the Executive Director of Equality Florida, she will talk about the wins of 2009 and the goals of 2010.
Posted on 2009-12-31 by Anonymous.
The new millennium has been a boon for LGBT rights At a glance, it may seem that 2009 was anything but a banner year for LGBT rights. Voters in every state with same-sex marriage on the ballot voted against us, and federal laws still don’t recognize same-sex marriages in the handful of states where it is legal. 'Don’t Ask Don’t Tell' has yet to be repealed, and foreign partners of American citizens are not allowed to immigrate to the United States as spouses.
Posted on 2009-12-27 by Anonymous.
In days we will be celebrating the start of 2010, a year that will be enormously important for Floridians. The 2010 election is the most important election we have had, or will have, for decades.  Voters will choose new leaders for many statewide offices as well as their state legislators.
Posted on 2009-12-23 by Anonymous.
Two Miami-area congressmen have pulled their endorsement of Gov. Charlie Crist for the U.S. Senate.
Posted on 2009-12-23 by Anonymous.
Political grandstanding or making sure that "justice" is done?
Posted on 2009-12-17 by Anonymous.
Yesterday by a vote of 4 to 3, the Hillsborough County Commission failed to extend non-discrimination protections to their lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) employees. The proposed change would have modified the internal personnel policy, not amend to the county Human Rights Ordinance. Commissioners Beckner, White and Ferlita voted to protect all employees while Commissioners Hagan, Higginbotham, Sharp, and Norman opposed such protections.
Posted on 2009-12-16 by Anonymous.
Hillsborough County Commission Fails to Provide for the Safety of LGBT Employees
Posted on 2009-12-16 by Anonymous.
Rasmussen Reports recently did a poll that shows the Florida governor's race getting more competitive.
Posted on 2009-12-15 by Anonymous.
Hillsborough County Commission to Vote onNon-Discrimination Protections Tomorrow, the Hillsborough County Commissionwill likely vote on an extending non-discrimination protectionsto their lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) staff
Posted on 2009-12-15 by Anonymous.
The D.C. Council is starting their meeting right now and are expected to discuss same-sex marriage.
Posted on 2009-12-15 by Anonymous.
Today D.C. is expected to vote on same-sex marriage. 
Posted on 2009-12-11 by Anonymous. U.S. Senate to markup DP bill Posted on 11 December 2009 by Chris Johnson