
Equality Florida Stands With Charleston

Submitted by Brittany on June 18, 2015 - 3:36pm

Equality Florida stands today in mourning and in outrage at the murders of nine people inside their historic African-American church on Wednesday evening. It is a hate crime that has shocked the nation and claimed the lives of six women and three men, including State Senator Clementa Pinckney. Our hearts go out to their families, friends and the entire community reeling from this brutal act of terror.

NEWS RELEASE: Our 2015 Florida Legislative Scorecard

Submitted by Brittany on May 1, 2015 - 2:57pm

Our 2015 Florida Legislative Scorecard

Equality Florida celebrates the defeat of two bills
and the passage of another

As this year’s regular legislative session draws to a close, Equality Florida is thankful that two anti-LGBT measures did not pass; and that one very good bill for all Floridians is on its way to the governor.

With telephone calls, emails and personal testimony, Equality Florida members and supporters worked hard to defeat two discriminatory bills.

NEWS RELEASE: Senate leaders derail controversial adoption proposal

Submitted by Brittany on April 20, 2015 - 5:26pm

Senate leaders derail controversial adoption proposal

Letting tax-funded agencies discriminate on religious grounds raised too many questions

April 20, 2015

Florida Senate leaders decided Monday not to vote on a controversial proposal that would allow taxpayer-supported adoption agencies to use religious or personal beliefs to discriminate against prospective parents.