We Just Sent an Extremist Packing - And Elected a Champion

Submitted by nadine on November 8, 2011 - 10:47pm

Michael Smith Wins Largo City Commission Race!

Great news! Tonight Michael Smith won his historic race to become the first LGBT person to win a seat on the Largo City Commission. Michael defeated a long time incumbent known for her anti-gay beliefs. The victory is sweeter because of the incumbent's history of appealing to prejudice. She led the charge to have the City Manager fired for being transgender. Michael's opponent appealed to homophobia once again, but the tactic backfired. Longtime supporters deserted her and Michael won tonight’s election with 53.97% of the vote.

Thank you to all of the Equality Florida members who supported Michael’s campaign.

The evening was a clean sweep for all the Equality Florida PAC endorsed candidates. Congratulations are also in order to Steve Kornell, Charles Gerdes and Wengay Newton.

Click after the jump to see Equality Florida Action PACs Endorsement of Michael Smith

For Children of Same-Sex Parents, A School Aid Maze

Release Date

One more reason to end marriage discrimination Here's the latest from the New York Times

It took five attempts for one prospective college student and her mother to fill out the 106-question federal form that would determine whether she would be eligible for financial aid. And that was not just because the form was frustratingly complicated. 

What tripped them up was the fact that the student had two legal mothers — and the form had room for only one.

They've Gone Berserk: Anti-Gay Extremists Intensify Attack on Pro-LGBT Republican Lawmaker

Submitted by Anonymous on October 4, 2011 - 6:54pm

The anti-gay extremists are going berserk.

They've launched an all out attack on Florida Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen who is the first and ,so far, only Republican to co-sponsor a bill that would repeal the anti-gay Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).