A Lake City 7th-Grader Makes An Argument For Marriage Equality

Submitted by Brittany on November 14, 2013 - 12:11pm

Lake City 7th-grader, Whitney Strickland, was asked to write a persuasive essay and turn it in to her Language Arts teacher. The instructions for the assignment included picking a topic that she had an opinion on and then explaining why she felt that way. Read her essay in support of marriage equality!

Marriage Equality

By: Whitney Strickland
7th Grader, Lake City, FL.

Florida National Guard to give full benefits to same-sex married couples, despite state gay marriage ban

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Florida National Guard to give full benefits to same-sex married couples, despite state gay marriage ban

The Florida National Guard has found a way to issue full military benefits to same-sex wedded couples and not violate the state's gay-marriage ban.