Legal challenge could overturn gay-marriage ban in Florida

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Written By: Billy Manes

On Tuesday, Jan. 21, Equality Florida and the National Center for Lesbian Rights announced from a Miami Beach press conference that they would, as had previously been hinted, team up to challenge Florida’s gay marriage ban in Florida courts. Though the move falls in line with recent historic efforts in Utah, Oklahoma, Virginia and Pennsylvania (among many others), Florida’s first step toward righting the perceived wrongs of 2008’s Amendment 2 is impressive in its own right.

Gay Couples to Challenge Florida's Marriage Ban

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Written By: Stephen Nohigren


Six South Florida same-sex couples filed suit in Miami-Dade Circuit Court on Tuesday, seeking to overturn Florida's ban on gay marriage.

The suit, similar to others sweeping the country, contends that the ban stigmatizes gay couples and their children, serves no legitimate government interest and violates due process and equal protection guarantees of the U.S. Constitution.

Couples Challenge Florida's Same-Sex Marriage Ban

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Six same-sex couples are filing a lawsuit, challenging Florida's constitutional amendment that bans gay marriage.

Equality Florida Institute is also challenging the ban. The couples are all from South Florida, and several of the couples are raising children or have grandchildren.

The lawsuit reportedly argues that Florida's laws barring same-sex marriage violate the U.S. Constitution by denying them the legal protections and equal dignity that marriage provides.

With their Young Son in Mind, Gay Parents Fight Marriage Ban

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Written By: John Romano

For the moment, his world is nearly perfect.

A continuous romp of beach days, flag football practices and like-minded cohorts in a wondrous place known as preschool. If bedtime comes too early and baths too regularly, that's just the price a 5-year-old must sometimes pay.

For the time being, he is unburdened by social injustice.