Gun Violence Prevention

Brief Overview

Equality Florida formally endorses common sense gun violence prevention policies in response to the hate-fueled attack in Orlando this past June, targeting the LGBTQ community at Pulse night club’s Latin night. Below is a position paper detailing the deep history of hate violence against the LGBTQ people and Equality Florida’s desire to partner with other marginalized communities to make all of our families safer.

EQFL's Gina Duncan To Be Recognized At Upcoming 14th Annual TSA Conference

Submitted by Brittany on September 15, 2016 - 12:56pm

Congratulations to Gina Duncan, Equality Florida's transgender inclusion director, for her recognition at the upcoming 14th Annual TSA Conference on September 20, 2016 at the Ritz-Carlton, Pentagon City! Gina is being recognized as a result of her collaboration and training of the TSA workforce.

While Gina is not able to attend the event, we are so excited about this well-deserved honor!