Equality Florida's Response to NC Governor McCrory's Defeat

Submitted by Brittany on December 5, 2016 - 3:08pm

Equality Florida's Response to NC Governor McCrory's Defeat

ST. PETERSBURG, FL - North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory has finally conceded defeat. McCrory, who created the discriminatory HB 2 that has cost North Carolina $600 million and counting when corporations, jobs, conferences, and sporting events pulled out of the state, has officially been rejected by North Carolina voters. His opponent Roy Cooper made dismantling the anti-LGBTQ law a centerpiece of his campaign.

Mass Violence and Trauma-Specific Information

Submitted by Brittany on November 29, 2016 - 11:37am

Resources for Immediate Disaster
Behavioral Health Response

Mass Violence and Trauma-Specific Information

Post-Election Town Hall Summary & Resources

Submitted by Brittany on November 16, 2016 - 12:14pm

Thank you for calling in to our Post-Election Tele-Town Hall. As promised, below is a summary of what was discussed on tonight’s call along with important resources. You can also find out more and register for our Annual Lobby Days - being held on March 20 and 21 - by visiting: eqfl.org/lobbydays. We need your voice in Tallahassee this legislative session more than ever!