
Posted on 2007-12-16 by Anonymous.
Posted on 2007-12-16 by Anonymous.
Posted on 2007-12-13 by Anonymous.
The far right now has the signature. Another spiteful amendment is heading to the ballot. This time Florida will face a deceptively named and dangerous "Marriage Protection Amendment".They picked a fight in Florida in 2008 for one reason- Florida is a must win Presidential battleground.This is yet another cynical attempt to elect the most right wing candidates by ensuring prejudice drive their voters to the polls.That is why this isn't just a battle for Floridians. Everyone reading this has a stake in what happens at the polls in Florida come November.
Posted on 2007-12-12 by Anonymous.
Equality Florida recently received an email from a supporter who wondered why we spend so much time and effort trying to repeal Florida's ban on adoption by gay and lesbian prospective parents. Especially, they said, in light of the lack of interest among the LGBT community. The answer follows:
Posted on 2007-11-28 by Anonymous.
Rise Up Rally Wed Needs Your Body
Posted on 2007-11-20 by Anonymous.
Guest Opinion: Bruce Diamond Florida marriage amendment intrudes in private mattersOriginally posted on November 19, 2007Ft. Myers News Press If the proposed state constitutional amendment regarding marriage appears on the November 2008 ballot, it will represent another blatant act of political mischief.
Posted on 2007-11-16 by Anonymous.
Posted on 2007-10-02 by Anonymous.
Back Article published Sep 29, 2007 Editorial: Marriage amendment discriminates Floridians are currently witness to the time-honored but hardly honorable practice of creating the illusion of a crisis where there isn't one. Don't fall for the ruse. This time its practitioners want us all to believe that the institution of marriage is under attack. Their straw man is gay marriage, and if it ever becomes recognized as valid and legal, they suggest that the pillars of civilization will crumble.
Posted on 2007-10-02 by Anonymous.
Editorial: Florida Today September 23, 2007 Our view: Say no to bigotry Florida's proposed same-sex marriage ban threatens everyone's protections When misguided religious and political groups attempt to deny gays legal rights under the guise of protecting marriage, you better watch out for your own rights.
Posted on 2007-10-02 by Anonymous.
September 13, 2007 | Editorial Proposed gay marriage amendment lacks rationale Floridians have had enough of divisive politics over recent years ---- yet that never seems to stop people who have an ax to grind and plenty of money to force discussion.
Posted on 2007-10-02 by Anonymous.
August 21, 2007 By Sharon Kant-Rauch FAITH EDITOR In more than a year as the Faith editor, I've encountered this phenomenon a number of times: the gay issue as litmus test. I'll be talking with a pastor or a congregant who will casually interject something like, "Well, we don't believe in gay marriage or anything." It's a shorthand way of defining the church's beliefs. The assumption is that if you know where the church stands on that issue, you can infer where it stands on others.
Posted on 2007-07-13 by Anonymous.
Tampa Tribune Editorial Gay Marriage Hysteria Subsides Published: Jul 9, 2007
Posted on 2007-07-13 by Anonymous.
USA Today Editorial June 24th, 2007 When states bar gay unions, domestic couples lose perks
Posted on 2007-03-27 by Anonymous.
Update on Largo Discrimination CaseSat., March 24, 2007 The discriminatory firing of Steve Stanton, the 14-year city manager of Largo, Florida, was finalized late last night after a record six-hour hearing. Equality Florida has been front and center in supporting Stanton throughout this tedious process. We wanted to provide our members with a special update on what happened last night -- and over the past few weeks -- with regards to this situation.
Posted on 2006-11-06 by Anonymous.
SAVE THE DATE - Nov 18th Florida Coalition for Fair Adoption SummitClick Here To RSVP Today: If you haven't already, please RSVP for the Coalition for Fair Adoption Summit scheduled for Nov 18th in St. Petersburg. The Summit is divided into two parts and you are welcome to attend both.
Posted on 2006-11-06 by Anonymous.
The NJ Marriage Decision The case is Lewis v. Harris, 2006 Westlaw 3019750 (NJ Sup. Ct., Oct. 25, 2006). New Jersey Court Says Same-Sex Couples Are Constitutionally Entitled to Rights of Marriage but Not to Marriage Itself; Dissenters argue for full marriage rights BY ARTHUR S. LEONARD
Posted on 2006-08-23 by Anonymous.
USA TodayWed Aug 23, 7:11 AM ET Same-sex marriage is surely a civil right By Sheryl McCarthy As the debate rages over whether gays and lesbians should be allowed to marry, I'm disappointed whenever I hear other African-Americans say, "No, they shouldn't." We're more opposed to same-sex marriage than whites are, according to a June survey by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, which found that 65% of African-Americans are against it compared with 53% of whites.I understand the reasons.
Posted on 2006-08-23 by Anonymous.
Same-sex marriage is surely a civil right Same-sex marriage is surely a civil right By Sheryl McCarthyUSA TodayWed Aug 23, 7:11 AM ET