
Posted on 2009-09-17 by Anonymous.
Tampa and Orlando venues have cancelled performances by Buju Banton, the anti-gay Jamaican dance hall, ragga, and reggae singer, whose song "Boom Bye Bye" advocates killing gay men with submachine guns and by pouring acid on them. Jacksonville and Miami venues executives have not yet responded to calls. The Florida concert cancellations were announced following grassroots education and outreach efforts from a number of organizations and individuals across the state and across the country.
Posted on 2009-09-17 by Anonymous.
Two fantastic training resources are available.Check out the links below Information about the Camp Wellstone Training in Tampa on October 23-25 is online at: You can sign-up to access the Alliance for Justice's free, Florida election law resources at:
Posted on 2009-09-16 by Anonymous.
Sarasota Gala Rockets Past Goal Friends, I wanted to send a quick note today to let you know about the enormous success of this weekend's Equality Florida Sarasota Gala.The evening's enjoyment was surpassed only by the incredible success of the Gala. Thanks to the generosity of our Sarasota supporters, we rocketed past our original goal of $25,000, and didn't event slow down when we hit our updated goal of $30,000.
Posted on 2009-09-16 by Anonymous.
COLAGE is a support and advocacy organization for children of LGBTQ parents. They are holding the first ever Speak OUT Camp. It's a fabulous opportunity to meet other people with LGBTQ parents and refine you're activism skills! Check it out. Join COLAGE for the First- Ever Speak OUT Camp- a fabulous weekend of learning and community for youth and adults with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and/or queer parents
Posted on 2009-09-15 by Anonymous.
Maine is the critical battleground in the fight for marriage equality and our side is leading in the polls by a slim majority.Please commit 2.5 hours on Sept 27th to phone Maine voters. Even better, commit to finding 3 more people in your organization or your own personal network who will do it with you.This is a crucial and very easy way to help. Even people who've never used a computer before had no problem mastering the online auto-dial phone system.
Posted on 2009-09-15 by Anonymous.
Both candidates in the St. Pete Mayors race are actively seeking pro-Equality voters. The St. Pete Times reports on the latest public statements both Foster and Ford have made regarding anti-discrimination policies, domestic partnership and recognizing Pride.Here are excerpts from todays article:
Posted on 2009-09-15 by Anonymous.
Last week, we reported on a proposed constitutional amendment that would outlaw the use of oral contraceptives. While in Congress Bill McCollum, who is currently running for governor, supported a bill that is remarkably similar to the proposed constitutional amendment.  From the Tampa Tribune:
Posted on 2009-09-11 by Anonymous.
A new petition drive aims at making it illegal to take birth control. How far will these far-righters go to take away individual rights for the sake of their political agenda? This is a dangerous encroachment on an individuals right to make their own decisions about their health.  Please note in the story below, one supporter calls this amendment "a continuation of the civil rights movement." The proposed amendment must be stopped long before it makes it to the ballot. 
Posted on 2009-09-11 by Anonymous.
These subsidies exist to help children in state care who are adopted - so in effect the state is fighting to deny support to this child. How far will the state go to undermine his chances in life? Isn't it enough that it took an expensive court case for him to be adopted? Dan and Wayne are exemplary parents - heros who have stepped up over and over again as foster parents. Their family is 100% as deserving of this subsidy, to help support their son, as any other family. From the Miami Herald - Friday, Sept. 11th
Posted on 2009-09-10 by Anonymous.
USF will offer domestic partner benefits, school president says By Richard Danielson, Times Staff Writer In Print: Thursday, September 10, 2009
Posted on 2009-09-09 by Anonymous.
"Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, and Morality are threatened by homosexuals."-- from Speechless: Silencing Christians Take a moment to let WFLA advertisers know where you stand.No Profit for PrejudiceHold Media General/WFLA Accountable
Posted on 2009-09-04 by Anonymous.
Several months ago a group of Orlando Health team members presented a proposal to key executive leaders of the organization calling for the development of a diversity initiative to benefit the organization, its team members, physicians and patients and the community at large. After several meetings with key leaders within the organization nothing has happened.
Posted on 2009-09-03 by Anonymous.
On Wednesday, August 26th, FL Attorney General Bill McCollum's Deputy Solicitor General defended Florida's anti-gay adoption ban by saying... ``There is evidence that homosexuals have higher rates of mental disorders, suicide rates and domestic violence. This is a plausible rationale.'' -Timothy D. Osterhaus Florida's Attorney General is relying on long discredited junk science to smear a segment of the population and justify an indefensible blatant form of state-sanctioned discrimination.
Posted on 2009-08-31 by Anonymous.
Posted on 2009-08-31 by Anonymous.
From the St Petersburg Times:  Florida's Ballot initiative to ban gerrymandering starts to draw foes
Posted on 2009-08-31 by Anonymous.
From the Miami Herald:
Posted on 2009-08-28 by Anonymous.
Today Governor Charlie Crist has appointed long time aide George LeMieux to fill Mel Martinez's US Senate seat.
Posted on 2009-08-27 by Anonymous.
My inbox was pleasantly overflowing with Birthday wishes, postcards and a few spicy limericks this morning. So here is a collective Thank You very much and one birthday wish from me. I set a goal of getting 20 people to donate $44 (more or less) to Equality Florida at any level. I'm about halfway there. It was that or a pony. Either will do. : ) Thanks for supporting the work and thanks for wishing me well.SincerelyNadine p.s. Here's the link: