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Project Get Engaged! Hopes to Achieve Gay Marriage in Florida

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Many Floridians felt underwhelmed after the DOMA appeal. After all, Florida wasn’t even close to legalizing gay marriage so, nothing short of uprooting our lives and moving to California, how could this affect us? Equality Florida—the premiere gay rights organization in Florida—understood this dilemma and crafted a project as a solution: Get Engaged!.

Wanted by Equality Florida: Same-sex couple willing to sue state of Florida over gay marriage

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Equality Florida is seeking a same-sex couple who wants to sue Florida for marriage equality.

Here's the news release:

After consulting with state and national legal experts on the scope of the Supreme Court decision and the impact it may have for state constitutional bans, Equality Florida is reaching out to potential plaintiffs for a lawsuit in Florida.

Equality Florida, ACLU target overturning Amendment 2

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In 2008, more than 60% of Florida voters approved a constitutional amendment that prevents same-sex marriages from being performed or recognized in the Sunshine State. But after rulings from the U.S. Supreme Court in June declared a portion of the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional and dismissed Proposition 8 in California, Floridians are hopeful that someday marriage equality could arrive in our state.

MATRIMONIO HOMOSEXUAL Lanzan una campaña por la legalización del matrimonio homosexual en Florida

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Miami, 19 jun (EFE).- El grupo Equality Florida, que defiende los derechos de los homosexuales, anunció hoy el lanzamiento a nivel estatal de la campaña "Get Engaged" (Comprométete) con el objetivo de derogar la prohibición del matrimonio homosexual en este estado.

Recibe matrimonio gay de Florida residencia permanente en EU

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El permiso de residencia le fue aprobado a Popov de 41 años, un inmigrante de origen búlgaro, luego que su pareja estadunidense Marsh de 55 años, solicitó ese visado y aportó la documentación adecuada.

En declaraciones a la prensa Marsh se mostró feliz de que su país reconozca su matrimonio, aunque lamentó que en Florida éste tipo de uniones no se permitan, por lo que él y su pareja tuvieron que casarse en Nueva York en el 2012.