
VICTORY: Gulfport Becomes 1st Pinellas City to pass Domestic Partnership Registry

Submitted by nadine on May 15, 2012 - 9:40pm


By a 5-0 vote, the Gulfport City Council became the first city in Pinellas County to adopt a Domestic Partnership Registry.

A capcity crowd overflowed into the lobby to watch the proceedings on televison. Speaker after speaker called on Gulfport to continue its tradition of supporting equality for LGBT residents. 

The mayor agreed to hold a public signing tomorrow Wednesday May 16th at 9AM at city council chambers.

What would you do?

Submitted by nadine on March 14, 2012 - 3:15pm

Friends of mine who are also members of Equality Florida were up North late last year visiting family when they stopped for a meal at a roadside diner.

Behind their booth they could hear a woman berating her child for identifying as transgender.

Betsy and Ron are also PFLAGers who couldn't sit by in silence as the teenager sobbed beneath the mother's abuse.

They spoke up and engaged them both, comforting the teen and educating the mom.