Faith leaders, LGBTQ community request action from Gov. Scott

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ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. — Florida faith leaders and members of the LGBTQ community came together Monday to make one request of Governor Rick Scott:

"To make good on his promise to enact non discrimination protections for LGBTQ workers employed by the state of Florida. It is a simple request," the Rev. Rudolph Cleare said.

It is a promise, the group claims, the governor made when he came to visit Orlando more than year ago and just days after the Pulse Nightclub massacre.

Orlando faith leaders call on Rick Scott to protect LGBTQ state employees

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Under Florida law, it's still legal to deny housing, refuse service and fire people from their jobs because they identify as LGBTQ, says the Rev. Terri Steed Pierce. Equality Florida and other LGBTQ advocates have been asking Scott for months to add "gender identity" and "sexual orientation" to anti-discrimination protections for state employees.

LGBTQ activists call for more protection from Scott

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TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WCTV) -- LBGTQ activists say Governor Rick Scott broke his promise to do more to protect against discrimination after the Pulse night club shootings.

Brandon Wolf, a survivor of the shooting, says even in the wake of the deadliest mass shooting in recent history, little to no progress has been made in the state.

Pulse survivor: Gov. Scott 'cold,' 'out of step with community'

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One year ago I witnessed hell. Standing in a dark bathroom at Pulse nightclub, I choked down tears, held onto a dozen trembling bodies, and breathed in gun smoke. We were unarmed; we were under attack.

But the sad reality is, the LGBTQ community is no stranger to attacks. In 2017, it is legal for Floridians to be denied housing, public accommodations, and even fired simply because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. In the 21st century, employers can hand us a pink slip for the person we fall in love with.