Meet the Interns: Spring 2019

Submitted by michaelw on February 13, 2019 - 11:41am

Equality Florida is proud to announce our Spring 2019 Intern Cohort! We have representation from all over the state, including Gainesville, Tallahassee, Jacksonville, Lakeland, and Tampa Bay! Learn more about our interns and help us welcome them to the team!

President Trump Promises to End HIV by 2030 Despite Anti-HIV Actions

Submitted by Brittany on February 8, 2019 - 6:19pm

Fort Lauderdale — This week President Trump announced a goal of ending HIV transmissions in the U.S. by 2030. For HIV advocates around the country, eradicating HIV has been a viable goal for years since we now have the tools to stop transmissions. Unfortunately, standing in the way of HIV advocates — and now the Trump-Pence administration — is the administration itself. Since taking office, this administration has made headlines in the HIV field for harmful policies directly contradicting the President’s recent hopeful statement.