
Lawyer who helped win marriage equality nationwide will be honored at Suncoast Celebration

Submitted by Brittany on November 9, 2015 - 5:54pm

Lawyer who helped win marriage equality
will be honored in Sarasota

Mary Bonauto will join Michael Donald Edwards
at Equality Florida’s annual celebration

Mary Bonauto, the lawyer who successfully argued for marriage equality at the U.S. Supreme Court earlier this year, will come to Sarasota later this month to accept a Lifetime Achievement Award from Equality Florida at its annual Suncoast Celebration.

NEWS RELEASE: Michael Donald Edwards of Asolo Rep will receive ‘Voice for Equality’ award

Submitted by Brittany on September 16, 2015 - 2:52pm

Michael Donald Edwards of Asolo Rep will
receive ‘Voice for Equality’ award

Equality Florida honors him for his theater’s
programming and community support

SARASOTA -- Michael Donald Edwards uses musicals and plays to stir up big ideas -- as well as to create new connections among his audiences.

Sarasota's anti-discrimination code is poised to include transgender people

Release Date

Written by: Katy Bergen

SARASOTA - City commissioners voted unanimously Monday to pursue including transgender people in a list of protected classes in the city's anti-discrimination code.

A final vote will be pushed to a later date, when city staff will present an updated ordinance that makes it clear that discrimination on the basis of gender also includes gender identity and expression, said city attorney Bob Fournier.

Sarasota's anti-discrimination code is poised to include transgender people

Release Date

Written by: Katy Bergen

SARASOTA - City commissioners voted unanimously Monday to pursue including transgender people in a list of protected classes in the city's anti-discrimination code.

A final vote will be pushed to a later date, when city staff will present an updated ordinance that makes it clear that discrimination on the basis of gender also includes gender identity and expression, said city attorney Bob Fournier.

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