
Miami-Dade Clerk Harvey Ruvin asks judge to slow couples' gay marriage suit until other cases settled

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Written By: Steve Rothaus

Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Sarah Zabel said Tuesday she would decide “in the next week or so” whether to suspend a local gay-marriage lawsuit until after some similar federal case is decided in the future.

In January, six same-sex couples sued Miami-Dade County Clerk Harvey Ruvin after his office wouldn’t issue them marriage licenses.

Ruvin’s lawyers had originally asked Zabel to suspend the case indefintely. On Tuesday, they changed their wording.

Corporations Step Up For LGBT Rights in Florida

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Written By: Christiana Lilly

Eighteen major corporations — including Marriot, Wells Fargo, Disney and Winn-Dixie — are taking a stand in the fight for LGBT equality in the corporate sector in Florida. Providing protection in the form of anti-discrimination laws for LGBT employees, they’re the newest amongst major corporations nationwide who’ve taken public action in the fight for LGBT equality in the workplace.

Equality Florida's Nadine Smith warns LGBT supporters at Tampa Gala: "The backlash is real."

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Written By: Mitch Perry

A jam-packed crowd of 450 attended Equality Florida's Tampa Gala at the Vault in downtown Tampa on Saturday night, where they were warned by CEO Nadine Smith that despite the enormous progress the LGBT community has enjoyed in Florida and the country in 2013, this is actually a "dangerous moment" for the movement.