Stay In Touch
Stay in Touch with Equality Florida
Not Receiving EQFL Emails? You May Need to Resubscribe
If you're not receiving emails from us, you might need to resubscribe. Follow the simple steps below:
Step 1: Send an email to [email protected] from the email address you want to resubscribe.
Step 2: Use the following information:
Subject: Please Resubscribe my Email to EQFL Emails
Body: Hello, can you please resubscribe my email so that I continue to receive EQFL emails? Thank you!

Slack - Our Volunteer Messaging Board
Stay connected with the volunteer community at Equality Florida through Slack! It's a messaging app that allows our volunteers to communicate and collaborate with each other, as well as with our field and community organizing staff.
You can download Slack as an app on your phone and/or computer, or you can use it on your web browser. It's a great way to stay involved and in the loop!