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Senator Bill Nelson Endorses Gay Protections Bill ENDA

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Senator Bill Nelson Endorses Gay Protections Bill ENDA



Florida Senator Bill Nelson, a Democrat, on Monday signed on as a co-sponsor of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), putting the legislation just three votes shy from passage in the Senate.

“We are proud to see Senator Nelson standing on the right side of history and standing up for the values of equality and fairness,” said Nadine Smith, CEO of Equality Florida, the state's largest LGBT rights advocate. “He is a leader who listens to the facts and has also listened to his heart.”

The endorsement came on the same day that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced that he'll bring up the bill for a vote on the Senate floor before Thanksgiving.

Only two Democratic senators have yet to sign on as ENDA co-sponsors: Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Mark Pryor of Arkansas.

ENDA, which seeks to prohibit workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, cleared a Senate committee in July. Three Republicans – Senators Mark Kirk of Illinois, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Orrin Hatch of Utah – joined all Democrats on the committee in sending the bill to the full Senate.