Pulse mom to Rick Scott: Prove LGBTQ hate has no place in Florida

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On June 12, 2016, my son Christopher Leinonen was murdered because of who he was. Christopher and his boyfriend, Juan Ramon Guerrero, were at an LGBTQ nightclub, a safe space for their community — a place that, until that horrific night, was free from the fear and discrimination found in so many other aspects of their lives. But a deranged gunman fueled by hatred and armed with an assault rifle killed Christopher, Juan and 47 other innocent, loving people.

"One year has passed since I lost my son to this heinous hate crime — one year, and we have seen zero action from Gov. Rick Scott or the Florida Legislature to address the undeniable homophobia and transphobia in our state. With an executive order, the governor could set a new standard of inclusivity and protect LGBTQ state employees from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. This executive order would send a clear signal to Floridians, the nation and the world that hate and bigotry have no place in the Sunshine State."

Read the full article here: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/opinion/os-ed-pulse-mom-asks-rick-scott-to-end-lgbtq-discrimination-20170622-story.html