Major Florida Employers Including Disney, Darden, Wells Fargo Support Passage of LGBT Workforce Act

Release Date

Written By: Steve Rothaus

Equality Florida on Monday announced the launch of Florida Business Coalition for a Competitive Workforce, a group of businesses “aimed at passing a bipartisan bill that would ban anti-gay and gender-based discrimination.”

Among the coalition members are Walt Disney World, Darden and Wells Fargo.

eqfl_logo2We are proud to see so many of Florida’s largest employers taking a stand to encourage the legislature to pass the Competitive Workforce Act,” Equality Florida CEO Nadine Smith said in a statement. “Increasingly we hear from companies that are contemplating relocation or expansion, and they want reassurance that their diverse work force will be able to live in a state where they and their families will be treated fairly.   The corporate culture understands that top talent look not only at a company’s internal policies, but also at the community they will call home.”

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