Moral Mondays Florida vote for a better tomorrow

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Written by: ASHLEY WHITNEY  

With just a week left to vote in the midterm election, Moral Mondays Florida is encouraging people to vote. Their platform is nonpartisan,“Right versus wrong, not right versus left.” They encourage voters from all sides to communicate with one another. For them, communication is the key to educating Floridians, and a way to ensure that residents assert their rights as voters. In support of this movement, members of Progress Florida, Awake Pinellas, Sierra Club, Equality Florida, Florida Democratic Environmental Caucus, and Progressive Democrats of Florida attended their rally Monday evening in St. Petersburg's Williams Park.

Long time union worker and union advocate, Steve Sarnoff, also a candidate for the Florida House of Representatives District 67 House seat, began his speech by defining oligarchy and plutocracy, which he feels is happening to our democracy. “What are the possible solutions? What path should we take?” he asks. He tells the audience a joke in order to convey what he feels is happening to our democracy. “A baker made a dozen cookies for three guests.

One guest was an oligarch, one guest was a tea party follower, and the other guest was a union guy. After the cookies were brought out, the billionaire oligarch grabbed eleven cookies, leaned over to the tea party guy and whispered in his ear, watch out, that union guy is gonna steal your cookie.”

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