Orlando faith leaders call on Rick Scott to protect LGBTQ state employees

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Under Florida law, it's still legal to deny housing, refuse service and fire people from their jobs because they identify as LGBTQ, says the Rev. Terri Steed Pierce. Equality Florida and other LGBTQ advocates have been asking Scott for months to add "gender identity" and "sexual orientation" to anti-discrimination protections for state employees.

"Hate walked into our community a year ago and tried to relegate the LGBTQ community back to the closet that was never meant for people," Steed Pierce says. "Hateful legislation does the exact same thing."

Read the full article here: https://www.orlandoweekly.com/Blogs/archives/2017/07/10/orlando-faith-leaders-call-on-rick-scott-to-protect-lgbtq-state-employees