Florida to Defend Traditional Marriage

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Six of every ten voters approved the Florida Marriage Protection Act in 2008. It says the state can only recognize a marriage between one man and one woman. The addition to the constitution is a road block to legal challenges in Florida and Governor Rick Scott says he's going to follow the law.

“The voters in 2008 decide that we are going to be a traditional marriage state, and that is what the voters decided. It's my job as governor to uphold the law of the land," said Scott.

When asked if that were to push to change, would he take the position on it, Rick Scott answered, "Well, look, I've been married since I'm, since I was 19, I believe in tradition marriage."

The gay activists say the state is changing. Voters this past year elected two openly gay members of the state legislature. Joe Saunders even brought his partner for the swearing in.

Equality Florida says the ruling should be seen by gay activists as a call to action.

"In the past, you know, maybe people didn't pay much attention to it, but we are bringing to the forefront of attention and you know, I think we are going to see a significant drive in this day to repeal the Constitutional Amendment," said Jim VanRiper.

Gay way activists have basically three options for trying to change the constitution, they can come here to the legislator and get them to put it on the ballet, they can have an initiative petition or they can wait for four years for the constitution revisions commission and voters will still have a final say on any constitutional changes.

Asked if the he would defend a law suit if one were filed, Rick Scott didn’t hesitate.

If gay rights groups try to amendment the constitution, it will likely be during the 2016 election. A petition drive would require 683,149 signatures and they would have to be turned in no later than February 2014.