Equality Florida Twitterbombs U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio for blocking nomination of gay judge

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In Happytown this week, we told you that Equality Florida planned to launch a Twitterbombing campaign of U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio in response to the retraction of his support for the nomination of Judge William Thomas to the Federal District Court of the Southern District of Florida. Rubio says it was because he didn’t approve of Thomas’ “judicial temperament,” but lots of other people say it’s more likely that he doesn’t approve of the nominee’s personal temperament either – you see, Thomas is an out-and-proud gay man, and that just won’t do among Rubio’s most extreme supporters.

So on Oct. 1, Equality Florida urged supporters to tweet @MarcoRubio using the hashtag #playingpolitics to ask him to stop blocking Thomas’ nomination.

Rubio’s track record on gay issues is … well, judge for yourself.

Marco Rubio: Opposing marriage equality does not make me a bigot.

Marco Rubio says homosexuality is a sin, but not in a judgmental way.

Marco Rubio: “I’m done” if immigration bill includes LGBT couples

Marco Rubio: Gay marriage is ‘about what society should tolerate.’