Discrimination Inflicts Harm, Not Our Marriages

Release Date

By Nadine Smith

My wife and I married in Vermont in 2009, and we committed, in front of friends and family, to love, cherish and protect each other for the rest of our lives. Our son Logan, now three years old, only added to our joy as a family.

However, we live and work in Florida, a state that refuses to recognize us as a family.

To add insult to the ongoing injury of denying our marriage, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi has taken the position that recognizing marriages of couples like us would "impose significant harm." Those are the words she used in a brief calling for the dismissal of a lawsuit that would recognize gay couples married in other states. Worse, AG Bondi invokes the outrageous and thoroughly debunked claim that impugns gay couples who are raising children.

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