It's legal to be fired for being gay.
You're Gay? You're Fired!
(This is legal in Florida)
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Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)
The Employment Non-Discrimination Act prohibits covered entities (employers, employment agencies, labor organizations, or joint labor-management committees) from engaging in employment discrimination on the basis of an individual's actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity.
Currently, there are 59 co-sponsors of ENDA, including Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) and the rest of the Democratic Caucus. Senators Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Mark Kirk (R-Ill.), are the only Republican co-sponsors of the bill, although, Senators Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) voted to the bill out of committee.
Senator Marco Rubio is currently not a co-sponsor of ENDA. He has stated that he's "not for any special protections based on orientation" when asked if he supports ENDA.
Last week, spokeswoman Brooke Sammon responded to the Tampa Bay Times' questions regarding Rubio's stance on ENDA. "He believes people’s qualifications, performance and honesty are the most important qualities by which they should be judged in the workplace. If you’re a good worker, that’s all that should matter," spokeswoman Brooke Sammon said. "This legislation goes far beyond protecting workers from discrimination based on sexual orientation, and he is currently studying what kinds of burdens it could impose on small businesses, frivolous lawsuits that could result, and ensuring that religious freedoms under the First Amendment are protected."
Many Florida communities have passed local protections that today protect over half of Florida's population but most cities and counties lack any protection whatsoever.
TAKE ACTION: Tell Senator Rubio to support ENDA by clicking here. Employees should be judged on their merits and the work they do, not who they are.
After passing through the Senate, ENDA will now be sent to the U.S. House of Representatives for a vote. Click here to take action and tell your U.S. Representative to support ENDA.
UPDATES about the vote on ENDA:
Monday (November 4th)
10:00am: The Senate will vote on ENDA at 2:00pm today.
10:10am: Republican Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV) just announced his support for the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), making him the critical 60th vote needed to bring the bill to the Senate floor.
6:05pm: The U.S. Senate takes a vote on a motion of cloture. ENDA needs 60 "yes" votes to advance. Senator Rubio voted agaisnt the cloture while Senator Nelson voted in favor.
6:35pm: The U.S. Senate votes 61-30 to start debate on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) and avoids a filibuster. Read more here.
Tuesday (November 5th)
1:45pm: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) are trying to attach a national so-called “right-to-work” law to the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). The proposal would effectively require workers to trade protections from discrimination on the basis of sexuality and gender identity for their rights to strong union protections from other employer abuses. Click here for the full story by Think Progress.
Wednesday (November 6th)
5:00pm: According to reports by The Task Force, the US Senate will hold its final vote on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act tomorrow at 1:45pm ET.
Thursday (November 7th)
2:00pm: For the first time in U.S. history, the Senate approved the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, by a bipartisan vote of 64-32, sending the legislation to the House of Representatives.
Florida Competitive Workforce Act (FCWA)
The Florida Competitive Workforce Act (FCWA) prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity or expression in employment, housing and public accommodations. The FCWA would amend Ch. 760 of the Florida State Statues that currently prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex national origin, age, handicap, or marital status.
While many local communities including Alachua County, Leon County, St. Augustine, Orange County, Volusia County, Venice, Gulfport, Dunedin, Palm Beach County, Broward County, and Monroe County have passed local protections that today protect over half of Florida's population, most cities and counties lack any protection whatsoever.
Thursday, October 31st - Reps. Joe Saunders (D-Orlando) and Holly Raschein (R-Key Largo) filed the Competitive Workforce Act for the 2014 Legislative Session.
Tuesday, November 5th - At 12:30PM a Bi-partisan press conference took place to announce legislation protecting Florida's LGBT community from discrimination. See details below.
Tuesday, November 5th - "Representative Joe Saunders says LGBT anti-discrimination bill would pass the House" via The Orlando Sentinel. Click here to read the article.
Join us tomorrow for a Bi-partisan Press Conference to announce legislation protecting Florida's LGBT community from discrimination.
Representative Joe Saunders (D-Orlando)
Representative Holly Raschein (R- Key Largo)
Representative Dave Hood (R-Daytona Beach)
Senator Joseph Abruzzo (D- Wellington)
Gina Duncan, Equality Florida Board Member
Calling for the passage of HB 239, the Florida Competitive Workforce Act (FCWA). This legislation will protect Florida’s LGBT community from discrimination in employment, public accommodations and housing.
WHEN: Tuesday, November 5 @12:30 PM
WHERE: Tallahassee, The Capitol, 4th Floor Rotunda -- House Side