Equality Means Business Virtual Town Hall

April 16, 2020

5PM- 6PM


United States


RSVP HERE: https://bit.ly/2Vc6Qq9

While we all navigate the COVID-19 crisis, we recognize that there are LGBTQ business owners who are in the midst of some very challenging times.

Join us for our Equality Means Business Virtual Town Hall to engage with national and statewide leaders about what COVID-19 means for business moving forward.

Representative Anna Eskamani will provide updates on relief programs and we will hear from LGBT chambers of commerce from across Florida, as well as the National LGBT Chamber about how business owners have evolved their practices by utilizing innovation and creativity. We will also discuss ways to support the businesses in our communities that support us, as the Supreme Court considers whether it is legal to discriminate against the LGBTQ community.

We are opening a dialog about issues facing businesses in our community! We’ll be taking your questions live so don’t miss this chance to engage with statewide leaders and Florida’s LGBT business community!

RSVP HERE: https://bit.ly/2Vc6Qq9