'Co-sponsor ENDA': Equality Florida plans to Twitterbomb U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson 3 p.m. Thursday

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'Co-sponsor ENDA': Equality Florida plans to Twitterbomb U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson 3 p.m. Thursday


For the second time this year, LGBT-rights group Equality Florida will Twitterbomb Democratic U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson of Florida.

In April, Equality Florida demanded that Nelson support gay marriage. A few days later, Nelson reversed his position and became the 51st U.S. senator to support marriage equality.

Now, Florida's largest gay-rights group is pressuring Nelson to co-sponsor ENDA, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act.

From Equality Florida:



Equality Florida is mobilizing to “Twitterbomb” Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) on Thursday, October 17 at 3 PM in order to persuade him to co-sponsor the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). Supporters are asked to use the hashtag #supportENDA.

ENDA is the federal bill that would prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity against employees by employers with 15 or more employees.

Nelson is one of only three Senate Democrats – along with Joe Manchin (WV) and Mark Pryor (AR) – who have not signed on as co-sponsors of the legislation.

“While we greatly appreciate Senator Nelson’s support for Marriage Equality and for being a leader on so many important LGBT issues, now is the time to protect ALL Floridians from discrimination in the workplace,” said Nadine Smith, CEO of Equality Florida.

Studies show that nearly one-half of LGBT people have experienced workplace discrimination, making a strong case for passage of the legislation.


“A large majority of Americans support these protections and believe they already exist at the federal level,” added Smith. “Without ENDA, it is legal to discriminate against or even fire an employee simply because he or she is lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. That is simply unacceptable in America.”

ENDA would provide basic protections against workplace discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity or expression, affording to all Americans basic employment protection from discrimination based on ignorance and bigotry.

For further information, go to http://www.eqfl.org/supportENDA





Show Senator Nelson you appreciate his leadership on LGBT issues and need his support on the ENDA. Sign the petition at http://www.eqfl.org/petition/supportENDA


Use the hashtag #supportENDA

Here are examples of tweets to send out:

.@SenBillNelson, glad you're with us on Marriage Equality. But while not everyone gets married, EVERYONE needs a job. #supportENDA

.@SenBillNelson, nobody should be fired because of bigotry. Please#supportENDA & protect LGBT Floridians from discrimination.

.@SenBillNelson, LGBT Floridians face serious discrimination in employment. Please, help prevent such problems & #supportENDA.

.@SenBillNelson, majority of Americans already believe these nondiscrimination protections exists. Please #supportENDA & make them a reality.

.@SenBillNelson, TY for co-sponsoring the Safe Schools Improvement Act! Pls continue to be a leader on LGBT issues & #supportENDA

.@SenBillNelson, Thank you for supporting Marriage Equality, but now the LGBT community needs you to #supportENDA.


Equality Florida is using Thunderclap to simultaneously blast out a Facebook Post or Tweet at 3 PM on Thursday, October 17, asking Senator Nelson to co-sponsor ENDA.


The message posted will read: "Sen Bill Nelson, glad you're with us on Marriage Equality! Continue to be a leader on LGBT issues & #supportENDA.”

Join the Thunderclap campaign by logging on to https://www.thunderclap.it/en/projects/5331-sen-nelson-supportenda

Equality Florida is the largest civil rights organization dedicated to securing full equality for Florida's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.www.eqfl.org