Marriage Now Videos
#MarriageNow Videos
Florida is ready for the freedom to marry! On August 21, Judge Hinkle ruled Florida's ban on marriage for same-sex couples unconstitutional and added Florida must also recognize legal marriages performed in other states. But last month’s statewide ruling by U.S. District Judge Hinkle, declaring Florida’s marriage ban unconstitutional, was recently appealed. The Florida Attorney General’s office filed the appeal on behalf of three defendants - a clerk of court along with two Rick Scott employees who serve at his pleasure - Craig J. Nichols, Florida’s Secretary of Management Services and John H. Armstrong, Florida’s Surgeon General. Make no mistake, the responsibility for the appeal belongs to Gov. Scott. This appeal would not be moving forward without his full support. We need to send the message loud and clear: "Governor Scott, use the power of your office and stop the appeal of the recent marriage ruling by Judge Hinkle and let Florida’s marriage ban fall on September 22." This is where you help! Make a video telling Governor Scott not to appeal the marriage decision and post it to Facebook/Twitter/Youtube - and use the hashtag #MarriageNow. |
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