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Please Join Us as the Harvey B. Milk Foundation Honors Stratton Pollitzer

Submitted by Anonymous on August 10, 2011 - 12:30pm

If you haven't heard, our deputy director, Stratton Pollitzer, is being presented with the Harvey B. Milk Foundation Honors Medal in recognition of his outstanding leadership through his tireless work on behalf of Florida's lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community.

We're excited for him and we hope you can join us on the 28th for this very special occasion.

See How We're Winning Equality


Because Equality Florida has always existed in a hostile political climate, we know how to carve our victories despite strong opposition. In addition to our work in Tallahassee, we work with our local partners, providing resources and helping to build coalitions that have passed pro-equality laws across the state. We defend against bad bills and introduce pro-LGBTQ legislation every single year. Our efforts continue to expand support for our issues across party lines.

The Legal Handbook for LGBTQ Floridians and Their Families


Spring 2015:

The Legal Handbook for LGBTQ Floridians and Their Famiies will be updated in the coming months to reflect the implications of legal marriage for same-sex couples. The information in this handbook is still relevant and applicable for people who cannot or choose not to marry. Single Floridians, including all unmarried couples, should find this information helpful. 

Click here for our recently updated resources for legally married same-sex couples.